Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Old flame

Do you ever find a candle and love the scent, but hate the color?

You bring it home, and it just sticks out like a sore thumb in the middle of all your decor?

If you're like me, you then find some other little bowl or jar to put it in so that you can hide the country rose color of your new candle and burn it every day so that you can throw it out without feeling like you wasted your money.

I guess I don't learn.

I love love LOVE the smell of evergreen trees, and with the holidays approaching all of the stores are chock full of christmas-tree-smell candles. Sadly, forest green and any variation there of doesn't go with anything in our house. But, I bought it anyway.

Luckily, I had an idea to tastefully disguise my new candle...

I took some vellum paper and photo-copied a damask design that I had onto it. (I actually had a bunch of this left over from our wedding, which I had used for little votive candles on the tables) The sky is the limit with what you can copy onto the vellum, and I imagine you could get really creative with these candles if you had the time.

After measuring and cutting the paper to right size to fit around the candle, I glued it in place with some double-sided tape. I finished it off with some gross-grain ribbon I had left over from another project and voila...And now here is my new and improved candle blending in nicely on the mantle.

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