The good news is that I was accepted into the Show-me Etsy Street Team!!! YAY!!! I already have a pretty busy schedule, but I'm going to try very hard to make each monthly meeting - as long as my work schedule permits.
While I was on my creative hiatus, I decided that it's time to move away from polymer clay. Or, at least as working w/ PC as a large part of my art. My truest love is using old or discarded objects and turning it into functional art. I really, really, really want to be able to buy a kiln so that I can start using bottle glass to create fun and exciting pieces using a process called pate de verre.
In the meantime, while I penny-pinch and save, I surf the web and admire other artists whose mediums are recycled objects. My latest find is a guy named John Unger from Michigan. He makes these really cool fire pits from scrap propane tanks. I uber love (yes, uber love) the fleur de lis fire pit! Maybe I could ask for it for our wedding!

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