Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Home Improvements

Why call them resolutions? They're really just life improvements, aren't they?

Well, I've been giving my 2010 life improvements some thought and I've had plenty of time to do this over the last week during my mini me vacation. Nothing better than a week off work spent with one of your favorite gal pals in Atlanta. Great company, great food, amazing beers and I-K-E-A! 'Nuf said.

So, back to my improvements....

I won't regale you with promises to lose weight, live a healthier life style, save money, etc. Why would I when I can't even promise myself those things?

Let's be realistic blogosphere....I'm a crafter, an artist (pronounced ar'teest) if you will. My goals this year are to spend more time on my art, more time being creative, and spending time with other creative folks. I really want to tell you that I'm going to post a new item on Etsy every day this year, but that would be lying. So, I'm going to tell you that I'm going to try to post a new item on Etsy each week. That way I'll seem like a creative genius who has her sh** together if I post more than once a week.

With that said, may I present to you this week's Etsy installment (the first of 2010 I might add):

Ruskie Mittens in Red
I love making these mittens and actually have another pair that I'm going to post today (see 'creative genius' above). They're entirely made from felted upcycled wool sweaters and they are oh-so-soft and thick. I've also been making more gloves, but they take a little longer. Plus, I forgot to take photos of all of the gloves that I made for Christmas gifts. Sorry.

Please visit my Etsy store, and stay tuned for more here at A Jelly Girl...

1 comment:

  1. verrrry cute but thank goodness I don't need them I will keep an eye out for something cooler for this heat:)
